Green Jeeva's profile

Coffee Delights from Around the Globe

Coffee Delights from Around the Globe
Espresso: Strong and concentrated coffee. Made with finely ground beans and hot water.
Cappuccino: Equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk. Topped with cocoa or cinnamon.
Latte: Espresso combined with steamed milk. Served with a thin layer of foamed milk on top.
Americano: Diluted espresso with hot water. Similar strength to drip brewed coffee.
Macchiato: Espresso with a dollop of foamed milk on top. "Macchiato" means "stained" or "marked" in Italian.
Mocha: Espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup or powder. Topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
Turkish Coffee: Finely ground beans boiled with water and sugar. Served with grounds settled at the bottom.
French Press: Coarsely ground coffee steeped in hot water. Pressed down to separate the grounds.
Cold Brew: Coffee steeped in cold water for an extended period. Smooth and less acidic.
Vietnamese Iced Coffee: Strong brewed coffee over ice with sweetened condensed milk. Poured through a metal drip filter.

Enjoy coffee responsibly and in moderation.

Coffee Delights from Around the Globe

Coffee Delights from Around the Globe


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